Sunday, April 4, 2010

Getting a suntan

This morning I've been enjoying some lovely sunny weather up on deck. The past 24 hours has been pretty uncomfortable with choppy swells and wind that turned to come from the south east which meant I was again beating into it. But all is well otherwise and I've been managing to heat up my meals and eat well. Darren's work on the boat has made a huge difference to my comfort and safety in the boat. Not a drop of water is getting into the cabin now, and his setup for my electric kettle works like a dream. Even Spot (the tracker) is more comfortable, he keeps me company in the cockpit in his nifty little gimballed cradle, always facing the sky no matter what tack I'm on. No more sloshing around the bottom of the cockpit like he did on the last leg! I am making the most of the sunshine today after getting rained on for about 24 hours over the past two days.


  1. I am glad as you feel comfortable in this boat! I am amazed to see your dots on the tracking - far away from the coast. From Richard

  2. Great Work Jamie!
    Awesome adventure mate...i'm watching your progress and sure to meet you when you come past Port Hedland... take care and keep on sailing, you're a real inspiration to us all :)
    justin lunn

  3. Great start Jamie, keep up the good work. I hope you settle in nice and quickly - we're all rooting for you on this side of the planet!

    Happy days mate,

    Sarah x

  4. Jamie, what an inspiration.joined this computer thing so I could comment and follow your adventure.You may not remember, but we met way back in '00-'01 when I was competing in redwitch championships at TCYC and subsequently at the chandelry you had in Rockingham for a while. I'm big fan of SS 34s and hope to use one in some adventures of my own in the future. Each time I sit at the computer I check your progress on the tracker and calculate your runs.I Like the trackers name. I have a tendency to name things as well "Ray" the tiller pilot a good friend for single handing.I often remember adages from my father when sailing alone.Some favourites when things are not so flash or going to the plan.
    Its adding to life's rich tapestry.
    Its character building.
    Your only as good as your worst experience.
    Enough philosophising. I wish you fair conditions and gods speed to Hobart. You are a fantastic role model and a true inpiration to others in what you have achieved and will continue to achieve as your journey continues.

  5. Gday Jamie, Goblin here.Finally the dream has come too fruition. Will be in contact daily.

  6. Jamie from where I'm sitting it looks like you're having a perfect shot at it so far. What do the pretty orange and red colors on the wind chart at the weekend mean?

  7. Hey Jamie,suntanning eh. I remember when I was stranded 5 days waiting for rescue 300 miles north of Dampier en route from Bali - lying out on the deck reading Nelson Mandella's 'A Long Walk to Freedom'. Huge book - he was in prison 27 years and I think he must have wrote a page a day. Anyhow, all very relaxing and pleasant in a tingling, private sort of way. But mate, don't forget, they hadn't invented Google Earth back then. Just something to bear in mind.
